Kate Fenner has been ‘diagnosed’ with various labels over the years. When she turned 17, she was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia after her parents found out that her mental health was getting worse. When her mental illness appeared, Kate discovered her inner artist. She started drawing her hallucinations and, as you'll see below, the results are beautiful. In her hallucinations, she hears voices, sound effects, random noises, and she often sees bugs, faces, and disembodied eyes. She specifically says: "I hallucinate bugs quite often, and my depression makes me feel worthless like a fly. These bug illustrations represent my illness" . Kate wants to fight her illness but also the inaccurate stereotypes regarding schizophrenia. You can find more about her on her Instagram . "I draw a lot of my hallucinations as drawing helps me deal with it" Inanimate objects will look like a Van Gogh painting: warped and swirly." "This is a ...